
Kyle’s 🏡


🤯Who am I?

In 10 seconds

In 10 minutes

Check it out in About Me! (not completed)

Other social media

Github: kyle-one
Zhihu: 东林
Mail: Lyk39@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
ResearchGate: Yongkun Liu

🗺️Where is here?

It's a digital garden! I'm here to share what I'm doing, what I'm learning, as well as technical blogs and more.

I want to be able to open myself to the outside world through this door. If you find interesting and valuable content here, if you are also interested in what I am doing, I sincerely invite you to communicate with me


A MOC is a Map of Content. Thanks to the double-chain feature of obsidian, I can use more fine-grained links here to organically link related content together to form an organic knowledge network. Mocs are similar to #tags, but can be embedded in articles at a more granular level.

You can choose from the MOC keywords below to enter and watch.

Recent Notes

Of course, you can also read recent notes based on timeline.